About Siu-Tsiu

Siu-Tsiu is a Greenlandic social enterprise.
Social enterprises always have multiple bottom lines. We want to be sustainable with both the business bottom line and the social bottom line.

Siu-Tsiu’s goal is to contribute to increased employment and sustainability in Greenland – regionally and locally. Through social economy businesses, a permanent endeavour is created that is anchored in the hands of the local community. The businesses are created to exist for many years, unlike many social projects. Young people are offered concrete – inclusive – jobs and a bridge is built to ordinary businesses or education.

Social economy is a tried and tested model, but there are many versions. What they all have in common is that they work for a cause or with a target group and that the cause or target group is just as important as the business. In other words, we don’t do business for profit alone, but just as much to uplift a target group. Social enterprises make a difference to the challenges facing young people today.

Siu-Tsiu’s economy is composed of 3 parts.
The municipalities buy youth programmes from us.
We earn money from the services and goods we produce.
And then we are so privileged – and grateful – that Oak Foundation Denmark, Hempel Fonden, Østifterne and Bikubenfonden support our efforts for the first few years until the economy is sustainable.


Unlike many social projects, companies are designed to exist for many years. Young people are offered concrete – inclusive – jobs and a bridge is built to ordinary companies.