New colleagues in Qaqortoq

We are happy to welcome our 3 new colleagues in Qaqortoq.

Margrethe Thårup Andersen, Nina-Vivi Andersen and Lars Ole Knudsen are the team that will work with the youth in Qaqortoq. They’ve been busy working on the programme and activities for our opening date 28th of December 2023.

Workmen are also busy getting Vatikanhuset ready for use, and we look forward to welcome the youth inside the Vatikanhuset on the 4th of January 2024.

Siu-Tsiu in Qaqortoq can be contacted on phone number 53 09 18 or by email to

About the project

Siu-Tsiu is a social enterprise company that works to support young people with special needs to have a meaningful life with an education, a job and colleagues. This is achieved by focusing on work done by hand. Siu-Tsiu will create socialeconomic producing and selling companies, where the youth is given space and support to develop both professionally, socially and personally. Their education also includes traineeships in greenlandic companies. The goal is that the young people end up with a job or an education.